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minisat Minimalistic yet highly efficient SAT solver
minpack FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations
mpcomplex Multiprecision complex arithmetic library
mpfr GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mprime-bin Mersenne prime tester (binary)
mtl Matrix Template Library
muparser Parser for mathematical expressions
newmat Newmat C++ Matrix Library
nickle Desk calculator language
nlopt Nonlinear optimization library
ntl C++ library for doing number theory
ocaml-zarith OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers
octave High-level language, intended for numerical computations
odepack Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers
openaxiom Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
openfst OpenFst is a library for manipulating transducers
ordCalc Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool
otter Automated Deduction System
p5-Algorithm-Cluster Perl interface to the C Clustering Library
p5-Algorithm-Munkres Munkres Assignment for square and rectangular matrices
p5-Excel-Template Perl module for templating Excel files
p5-Excel-Template-Plus Extension to the Excel::Template module
p5-Math-Base-Convert Very fast base to base conversion
p5-Math-Base36 Perl 5 module to encode and decode base36 strings
p5-Math-Base85 Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
p5-Math-BaseCnv Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
p5-Math-Bezier Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
p5-Math-BigInt Arbitrary size integer math perl package
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP Perl module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
p5-Math-BigInteger Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl
p5-Math-Calc-Units Human-readable unit-aware calculator
p5-Math-Complex Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
p5-Math-Derivative Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
p5-Math-FFT Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
p5-Math-GMP Perl 5 module for high speed arbitrary size integer math
p5-Math-Interpolate Perl module for interpolating data
p5-Math-MatrixReal Perl module for performing operations on real matrices
p5-Math-Pari Perl5 interface to the pari math library
p5-Math-Permute-List Permute a list
p5-Math-Prime-Util Perl5 utilities related to prime numbers
p5-Math-Random Random number generators
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm for Perl modules
p5-Math-Random-MT The Mersenne Twister PRNG
p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
p5-Math-Round Perl extension for rounding numbers
p5-Math-Spline Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
p5-Math-Utils Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
p5-Math-VecStat Some basic numeric stats on vectors
p5-Number-Compare Compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine
p5-Number-Latin Perl module for lower/upper-latin numbering system
p5-Number-Range Define ranges and test if number is in range
p5-Number-Tolerant Perl5 module for tolerance ranges for inexact numbers
p5-Roman Conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic
p5-Set-Crontab Perl module to parse crontab(5)-like lists of integers
p5-Set-Infinite Perl module for sets of integers and objects
p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel Perl module to get information from an Excel file
p5-Spreadsheet-Read Perl 5 module to read the data from a spreadsheet
p5-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC Perl 5 module to extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel Create Excel data files
p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX Perl 5 module to read MS Excel 2007 files
p5-Statistics-Descriptive Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions
p5-Statistics-Distributions Perl module of computations with distributions
p5-Statistics-TTest Perl module of confidence interval computation using T-Tests
p5-Test-Number-Delta Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
pari Software package for computer-aided number theory
pari-galdata Galois group data for pari
pari23 Software package for computer-aided number theory (2.3 version)
pcg Random number generator
pear-Math_BigInteger Provides base-2, base-10, base-16, and base-256 numbers
pear-Numbers_Roman Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
pear-Numbers_Words Provides methods for spelling numerals in words
php-bcmath PHP extension for bc-style arbitrary precision math
php-gmp (V) PHP extension for arbitrary precision math
php-stats PHP extension for statistical computation
ppl The Parma Polyhedra Library
prng Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
pspp Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
py-abcpmc Approximate Bayesian Computation Population Monte Carlo
py-almost Python module to compare two numbers generously
py-autograd Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code
py-bottleneck Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in C
py-cdecimal Arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic
py-ephem Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
py-fftw Python bindings to the FFTW3 C-library
py-fpconst IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python
py-gmpy Python library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
py-infinity All-in-one infinity value for Python
py-intervals Tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects)
py-lmfit Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints
py-mpmath Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic
py-munkres Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem
py-networkx Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
py-noise Perlin noise for Python
py-numarray Array manipulation
py-Numeric Adds multidimensional numeric arrays to Python
py-numexpr Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
py-numpy Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects